by Jason Kinas | Sep 14, 2017 | Articles
Your Las Vegas estate sale can be a success, regardless of why you’re having one. If you want to make sure that you get the most money for your sale, while cleaning out as much as possible, there are quite a few tips and ideas to consider.
Hire professionals!
It may not seem like a daunting task at first, but having your own estate sale can be rather stressful. That’s why it’s a great idea to hire a Las Vegas estate sale company to help you handle all the tedious little details. A professional and experienced business will sort and arrange all of the items you are selling, and they will handle the pricing and selling as well. When you hire a company to handle your estate sale in Las Vegas (or anywhere else for that matter), you are making sure that each item is being sold for its legitimate worth. That’s because most estate sale companies are adept at appraising a wide variety of items.
Estate sale companies are also used to handling all of the customers that come to estate sales in Las Vegas. They’re professionals who excel at interacting with all facets of the public, so you don’t have to do it yourself!
Sell the small stuff!
Las Vegas estate sales are excellent places to find furniture in a variety of styles, and varying levels of affordability. However, truly successful sales offer far more than bedroom sets, dinettes and the like. Customers love “smalls,” which are all the other items that can be found in the home. In fact, people who regularly hit the Las Vegas estate sale circuit tend to be collectors of figurines, nice kitchenware and other curios. Others seek out sales in hopes of finding movies, music and other items associated with personal entertainment. Other shoppers love finding tools and garage items, while some shoppers have a good time shopping for perfume (even empty bottles!), cosmetics, toiletries, shoes, handbags and clothing.
The more variety you offer, the more successful your Las Vegas estate sale will be.
If you can use it, you can sell it!
Think twice before throwing away that old notebook with some of the pages used or torn out, and don’t throw away that stained ironing board just yet. In fact, if you’re preparing for a Las Vegas estate sale, don’t throw out anything that can still be used (except for food and medical items, of course)! Estate sale shoppers buy an endless array of items from every sale they attend, including paper goods and items that need a little TLC. Some of these shoppers are delighted to get a deal on used items that need a little cleaning up or sewing — and every single dollar adds up when it comes to hosting a successful estate sale in Las Vegas.
This tip also applies to high-end estate sales, which boast designer furniture pieces and luxurious home accents. Estate sale shoppers are a veritable melting pot of people, and all of them are looking to enjoy the experience of buying a multitude of items.
If you’ve read this post, and you’re ready to hire a Las Vegas estate sale company, be sure to check out our ‘About’ page!
by Jason Kinas | Aug 30, 2017 | Articles
Choosing an estate sale company in Las Vegas can seem like a potentially daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be that way! With a little knowledge, you can find the company that fits you best without all the stress. When you know how to choose the perfect company, your Las Vegas estate sale could become a success, whatever your end goal may be.
What are your needs?
Are you downsizing in order to move in to a smaller home? Or are you overwhelmed by the estate of a loved one? There are Las Vegas estate sale companies that cater to a variety of needs, and some that only cater to specific needs at a time. Finding the right estate sale company in Southern Nevada involves knowing exactly what your needs are, and then finding the company that directly addresses them.
Know the numbers
Every estate sale company in Las Vegas offers a differing level of service, and each company also operates under a variety of charges and fees. Some companies want their clients to pay setup fees, prior to holding an estate sale. Other companies simply collect a commissioned percentage after the sale is held, with no out-of-pocket fees paid by the client. Furthermore, commissioned rates vary from company to company, so knowing exactly what each company collects can help you decide which one is the best fit for you.
Names you can trust
When you’re looking for a company to help host an estate sale in Las Vegas, there are resources that can help you find the most trusted companies. Websites such as EstateSales.Net and EstateSales.Org list the most trusted and prolific companies, along with any of their upcoming sales. Websites like these also display the profiles of each estate sale company.
Ask for referrals
If you’re selling your home through a realtor, or you’re handling the estate of a loved one through probate, you can ask for referrals on estate sale companies in Southern Nevada. Realtors and other related services often have direct access to a variety of resources that can suit your needs.
by Jason Kinas | Jun 6, 2017 | Articles
Sometimes life can get hectic, whether you’re getting a divorce, experiencing a death in your immediate family or planning to relocate. Regardless of the specific issue, you may find yourself overwhelmed with excess possessions and clutter. So what do you do when you need to clear out all these possessions? Having an estate sale could help you tremendously, but should you do it on your own?
Estate sales are popular
Just like yard sales, rummage sales and auctions, estate sales are popular weekend events for many individuals. Fans of estate sales tend to follow their local estate sale companies on social media, through mailing lists and via other means, in order to stay up-to-date on every sale that pops up in their area. In large cities like Las Vegas, hundreds — if not thousands — of people hit the weekend estate sale circuit all year long. So it’s easy to see that having an estate sale could prove successful in helping you clear out your possessions, or items left behind by a dear loved one.
Everything has monetary value
Whether your home is stuffed with designer furniture and fine art, or knick-knacks and dishes — you can still benefit from having an estate sale. Every tangible item holds monetary value, so almost every tangible item can be sold. A well-rounded estate sale has a little of everything: Furniture, kitchen items, garage items and everything in between. If your goal is to clear out your home, or a loved one’s home, then an estate sale could achieve exactly that. Hiring an estate sale company will help you sell all of these items — big and small.
Your time is precious
If you tried to sell a house full of furniture and other items on your own — one sale at a time — you could find yourself exhausting a lot of precious time. That time is even more precious if you’re going through a family tragedy or some other kind of stressful event. Hiring an estate sale company gives you the power to focus your time and energy on things of importance — whatever those things may be. Having an estate sale, that is managed by an experienced company, could make any transition in your life a little more seamless.
by Jason Kinas | Mar 19, 2017 | Articles
Everyone has different reasons for downsizing their home and belongings, but when do you know if it’s the right time? There are multiple things to consider when making the decision to scale down your living environment — such as whether or not you’ll be saving money, or if you’ll be sacrificing comfort for affordability.
Empty Nests
When adult children move out of the home, this leaves behind unused rooms and sometimes possessions that are stored indefinitely — some of which are kept for the precious memories of the family the house once contained. Nonetheless, older parents may feel overwhelmed with the clutter, as well as the loneliness that comes with becoming “empty-nesters.”
Mayo Clinic cites that “empty nest syndrome” could cause depression in older adults who are adapting to living without their grown children. Medical experts recommend that “empty-nesters” focus on positive goals and projects while learning to cope with this important transition in life. Welcoming positive changes into your life could come in the form of downsizing your home, decluttering it of unnecessary bulk and treating yourself with a new way of living. Downsizing to some smaller digs could also include moving closer to your adult children, which is what many people choose to do!
If you’re newly retired, you may find yourself wanting to count your pennies — even if you’ve secured an impressive retirement fund. Downsizing your home is one way to cut back expenses, so you can focus on enjoying all of your newfound free time. Whether you want to get rid of your house and travel the country in an RV, or you just want to get back to basics, downsizing your home opens the door to many opportunities in your golden years.
Not only can downsizing your home help with your post-retirement finances, it can be a way to give you some extra spending cash. Selling your home, and unnecessary belongings, brings in more money for you to move on to the next stage in your life.
You’re feeling overburdened
Sometimes a big home stuffed with material possessions can become overwhelming — whether you’re a young and successful professional or a retired person transitioning from one stage of life to the next. Downsizing your home and belongings is definitely an option when you start feeling like everything is becoming just too much.
You need the money
Life has its ups and its downs, and sometimes those downs come in the form of financial hardships. Maybe you’re trying to find a way to pay for post-retirement housing, and your mortgage is just too much, or maybe you’ve been burdened with some other kind of debt. Downsizing your home and possessions could provide you with funds to help out with whatever hardship you are facing.
This option is an ideal for many people, but it’s certainly not a “get rich quick” scenario. Liquidators, estate sale companies and auction houses provide you with valuable services to help streamline the entire experience.
Are you still considering downsizing your home?
Just like there are reasons to downsize your home and belongings, there are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t. It’s up to you to weigh out the pros versus the cons when it comes to making this very important, life-changing decision. Figuring out the next steps to take requires research, patience and a desire to transition from one stage in life to the next. Everybody’s exact needs are different, and the next steps you take can bring you closer to shedding yourself of unnecessary space, bulk and stress.
by Jason Kinas | Mar 7, 2017 | Articles
Estate sales are when you want everything in your property sold by a professional company. The professional will appraise the value of everything in your home and stage the sale on your behalf. It takes all of the stress and time out of the process. You are free to get on with your everyday life. The time that it would take to itemize everything and put it on eBay or Craigslist is immense. The Estate Sale company takes all of that pressure off of you and let you live your life.
Estate sales are traditionally prompted by downsizing, debt, divorce or death. But many Americans look to have an estate sale for many reasons. People moving for work or moving out of the country are other reasons that people need help when looking to sell all of their assets through an estate sale.
What is the difference between Estate Sales and Auctions?
Auctions put the entire burden on you – the seller. You have to check all of the items for their condition. You have to conduct the research into the value of the items. You have to make sure that you store and transport them properly. The online auction sites such as eBay give you an alternative to the physical auction but you will still have to make arrangements for shipping.
Estate sales take all of this hassle out of the selling process as a professional will carry out all of the work for you.
What is the difference between Estate Sales and Consignments stores?
Most consignment stores don’t get a lot of customers because of the higher cost involved in running a consignment store the expenses gets passed down to your items additionally your items may sit there awaiting a buyer for a very long period of time. My guess is that if you are looking at an estate sale then you will be looking to sell your items much more quickly than that and have your home ready to sell.
How to choose the best estate sale company?
You can search for local estate sale companies in your local area. Do your research by checking out their website. This gives you a good idea of how they operate and what they do for their clients. The best idea I have seen in regards to choosing your ideal estate sale agent is to go to some other local estate sales. From there you can see the choice of estate agents and the way in which they conduct their business. Seeing an estate sale agent in action is the ideal way to assess what they do and how well they do it. You are looking for someone who knows the value of the merchandise and is able to price it accurately and fairly all while maintaining control over the process, so that you can have a well managed successful sale.